Monday, December 5, 2011

Women talk more in phones than men does

It is something one half of the population has long suspected - and the other half always vocally denied. Women really do talk more than men in phones.
Such example is shown through several kind of medias such as in the movie titled, "The devils wear Prada." This movie portrayed that the lead star(a girl) to be super busy and talkative, always in the phone. Thus, the movie then would impact the audience and this creates gender stereotypes. However, not all women likes to talk on the phone, businessman does too! Thus, this generalization could not be accepted purely. However, to some extent women does like to talk more with their girlfriends on the phone, but not all women likes this.


In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men in phones, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day - 13,000 more than the average man, roughly 5000 more in phone.Women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat - and actually get a buzz out of hearing their own voices, a new book suggests.
The book - written by a female psychiatrist - says that inherent differences between the male and female brain explain why women are naturally more talkative than men.
In The Female Mind, Dr Luan Brizendine says women devote more brain cells to talking than men.
And, if that wasn't enough, the simple act of talking triggers a flood of brain chemicals which give women a rush similar to that felt by heroin addicts when they get a high.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Women are better at multitasking then Men?


That's the claim being made by a team of British researchers. "We have all heard stories that either men can't multitask or that women are exceptionally good at multi-tasking," says British psychologist Keith Laws, a professor at the University of Hertfordshire. But Laws and his colleagues couldn't find any research that had been done to prove or disprove the theory. So they set up a study to settle the matter. This might be a fact found from the researches. However, their sample data is too limited to have this generalization. They must have a larger quantity sample to prove this theory was right. This theory was also supported by the media in movies where a perfect CEO women handles her job, phone, household and company altogether. Thus this generalization is too some extent false.


Researchers did a study last year in which 50 male and 50 female students were given eight minutes to perform simple tasks like math problems, finding a restaurant on a map and sketching a strategy as to how they would find a lost key in an imaginary field—all while receiving a phone call that they had the choice whether to answer or not, where answering meant being given an additional general knowledge test.

The female students ended up performing admirably, while the men did average. The same researchers attributed this result to the notion that women are just plain old better at reflecting on a problem and juggling other tasks at the same time.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Males are more aggressive than Females

The fact that males are more aggressive than females has to do with biological, psychological, and social factors. Research shows in addition that males are more likely than females to behave in an aggressive manner. There is evidence that differences in socialization, cognition and personality may help explain gender-based disparity in rates of anti-social, as well as violent behaviors. Gender differences in cognition, socialization, and behavior may exist as early as infancy. This is when boys are able to express themselves at a higher rate. Infant girls show greater control over their emotions, whereas boys are more easily angered and depend more on inputs from their mother's. This is a factual information and is exposed by the media widely. This is not considered to be a part of gender stereotype that the media manipulates.


Males view aggression as an appropriate means to gain status. Boys are also more likely to socialize with deviant peers. When boys socialize with prodigious peers they display personality traits that make them more susceptible to delinquency. A researcher by the name of Jean Botcher found that youth males believe their roles are to be more dominant than youth females. The male perception of power, the ability to have freedom and spend time with their friends, act as an aid in explaining the gender differences in delinquency. Girls are shielded by moral sense, which directs them away from harming other's. The ethical sensitivity may counterbalance the effects of family issues. Females are known to display more self-control than males, which is a factor of criminality. Females are more verbally skilled, which is a skill that can help them in dealing with obstacles they may come across without reacting with violence. When girls are aggressive, they are more likely than males to hide their behavior from adults. Girls are expected to from closer relationship's with their friends and to share feelings, boys tend to act out on their feelings in inappropriate ways.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Women loves to Shop more then men does

Women are happy to meander through sprawling clothing and accessory collections or detour through the shoe department. They like to glide up glass escalators past a grand piano, or spray a perfume sample on themselves on their way to, maybe, making a purchase. For men, shopping is a mission. They are out to buy a targeted item and flee the store as quickly as possible, according to new Wharton research. However, this is a gender stereotype created by media. They portray all women in movies a shopaholic , and thus has become a common stereotype in today's world. However, this is a generalization. One example of it is that, not every women likes to SHOP! One of my friend that is a women doesn't like to go shopping, instead she likes to mend the house garden more. On the other hand, my male friend is a shopaholic. He would go shopping generally 3-4x per week. Therefore, this generalization created by the Media cannot be accepted.

In a study titled, "Men Buy, Women Shop," researchers at Wharton's Jay H. Baker Retail Initiative and the Verde Group, a Toronto consulting firm, found that women react more strongly than men to personal interaction with sales associates. Men are more likely to respond to more utilitarian aspects of the experience -- such as the availability of parking, whether the item they came for is in stock, and the length of the checkout line.
"Women tend to be more invested in the shopping experience on many dimensions," says Robert Price, chief marketing officer at CVS Caremark and a member of the Baker advisory board. "Men want to go to Sears, buy a specific tool and get out."
As one female shopper between the ages of 18 and 35 told the researchers: "I love shopping. I love shopping even when I have a deadline. I just love shopping." Compare that to this response from a male in the same age group who described how men approach retailing: "We're going to this store and we buy it and we leave because we want to do something else."

Price says women's role as caregiver persists even as women's professional responsibilities mount. He speculates that this responsibility contributes to women's more acute shopping awareness and higher expectations. On the other hand, after generations of relying on women to shop effectively for them, men's interest in shopping has atrophied.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Women more emotional than men

Opinion: Because, women really are ruled by their hormones.
Members of the fairer sex are more sensitive to a key stress hormone - with even small amounts sending their emotions into a whirl, research shows.
Men, in contrast, are relatively immune to even high amounts of the chemical. People mostly think that this is a stereotype. This is a fact and is not a gender stereotype created by media ( This is due to their hormones system and the monthly menstrual cycle. However men does not go through the monthly cycle and does not feel the pain of women, thus they do not understand women. Therefore it is not right to say that is it a stereotype. However, not all women are more emotional than man. Man who is 'gay' tend to be more emotional. Thus this generalization cannot be used.


The new research focused on a hormone that organises stress responses in mammals. It found females were more responsive to it
This perhaps explains why they often take a more laid-back view of potential crises - infuriating the women in their lives in the process.
Researchers say the U.S. study could help explain the differences in the way men and women control their emotions.
Women have higher rates of depression,post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety problems than men. However no one has yet been able to pinpoint a biological reason for the difference.The study focused on a stress hormone called corticotropinreleasing factor (CRF) which helps control the body's reaction to stress.CRF is known to play a role in human psychiatric conditions. Study leader Dr Rita Valentino, of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, said: 'This is an animal study carried out on rats and we cannot say that the biological mechanism is the same in people.'But researchers already know that CRF regulation is disrupted in stress-related psychiatric disorders, so this research may be relevant to the underlying human biology. This may help to explain why women are twice as vulnerable as men to stress-related disorders.'In the study, brain cells of female rats were excited by doses of CRF that were too low to affect cells in male rats, the journal Molecular Psychiatry reports.
Experiments showed that the hormone bound more tightly to brain cell proteins of stressed-out female rats, making them more sensitive to its effects. The male rats, however, were able to reduce levels of the protein, stopping the hormone from binding and reducing its effects on the brain.Since much of the previous animal research on stress used only males, important sex differences may have gone undetected, hampering the development of effective drugs for women. 'Pharmacology researchers investigating CRF antagonists (blocking agents) as drug treatments for depression may need to take into account gender differences at the molecular level,' said Dr Valentino.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Women are Wimps

This is as basic as stereotypes get. Guys are bigger and stronger and traditionally are thought of as the more badass of the sexes. Women are frailer, smaller and prone to the sniffles at the slightest injury.
The one exception, of course, is childbirth, when even the weakest woman is an Amazon warrior when it comes to tolerating labor pain that would make a grown man whimper like he just took a paintball shot to the nuts. So call a woman frail, and she'll reply that if men had to give birth, the human race would have died out a long time ago.

Facts/ Article:
Women do have a lower pain threshold, but it has nothing to do with toughness. Men simply don't feel pain the same way women do, and what they do feel, they feel a lot less of. Women have more pain receptors in their skin for starters, amplifying their exposure to aches and pains.
Researchers believe it might be tied to the presence of GIRK2, a nifty little protein that not only affects pain threshold, but how well morphine and other painkillers work to block the pain once it's been inflicted. The next time you tell your girlfriend to walk off that cramp she got trying page 46 of the Kama Sutra with you, try to show a little compassion, she may just have less GIRK2 than you.
Ultimately, a woman's body can require more than double amount of pain killer to get the same amount of relief.

The exception is when they are pregnant or have just delivered a baby. Endorphins and a cocktail of other feel good chemicals build up over the pregnancy, ensuring that mom can deal with the delivery and likely explaining the real reason expectant women have that special glow.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Men eats more than women

Many tv shows and medias shows us that men would definitely eat more than women. Women are viewed to be more feminism and should ideally be more proper than men. However, this stereotype portrayed by the media affect the way we see things. The fact is that not all men eats more than women is overlooked in media. This is because men is more active, and needs more energy than compared to women. This fact is overlooked in medias such that they did not give a reason for the excuse. Thus, most men would eat more food than compared to women. However, there are few of those women who eats more than men does. Thus this generalization cannot be used.

Article :

Yorkie bars, Nestlé has always told us, are "not for girls". They are to be growled from their wrappers and chewed in mouth-sized chunks by manly men, men with stubble, men with muscles that bulge like bellies. Flakes, however, are for ladies. Sexy ones, in lipstick and baths, who crumble off a feminine bite, before letting their eyes fall closed in pleasure.
It's a complicated business, eating. And one made knottier by the idea that some foods are masculine (hamburgers, steak), while others (yoghurt, quiche) are strictly for girls. Were these ideas of gendered eating originally generated just for ad campaigns, or could the cliches point towards a deeper truth? Do men and women need different diets? How many of our views on what constitutes "women's food" come from how we're brought up, and how many are tied to something genetic? If men are from meat, are women from cupcake?

Source :

Monday, October 17, 2011

Girls learn better from female teacher than men does

Some female teachers feel that being a woman is enough to encourage 
girls, and it isn’t necessary to do anything else. Some male teachers feel that it isn’t possible to reach girls so it isn’t necessary to try. Some adults and students feel that girls avoid classes taught by men.

it makes little difference to most students whether they are taught by a man or a woman.  It is the quality of the teaching, not the gender of the teacher that matters. While teachers treat male and female students differently, this is true for both female and male teachers.  The gender of the teacher has little or no effect on how they treat girls and boys. While women and men can teach girls well (or poorly), if students never see women teaching math or science, the myths about who does and doesn’t do math and science are reinforced. 

we tend to assume that females and males are different — are indeed “opposite sexes.”  We see someone’s sex as an important predictor of their abilities and interests and assume that if we know someone is a girl or a boy, we know a lot about them. That assumption is wrong!  Knowing someone’s sex may tell us a lot about them biologically but it tells us very little about them in other ways.  Knowing someone is a woman does not tell us if her athletic ability is closer to Martina Navratilova’s or a couch potato's.  Knowing someone is a man tells us nothing about whether his math skills reflect those of an Einstein or a math phobic. 

Sex is not a good predictor of academic skills, interests or even emotional characteristics.  In fact, as the graph below indicates, sex is a bad predictor. 

Source :

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Men are stronger than Women?


 Many believe that men are created way stronger and tougher than women do. They usually could carry more weight than women, and are more buff. Men are more active and more sporty. Christians also believe that men is created from dust while women are created much more beautifully, which is from the male's bone. That fact has definitely open the doors to generalization and thus, gender stereotype in Media (from the Bible). This debates has been going off and people are trying to proof that men are stronger than women physically and emotionally. However, this generalization is not right as we might often see men carrying more weight than women, but there are also some men who is as weak as a women. Thus this stereotype is wrong and cannot be generalized. There is also a fact that proves the generalization wrong. Men can lift more weight than women in a short period of time, but women, can lift a weight for a longer period of time. so who is stronger? that depends again on the definition of strong. Thus, this generalization cannot be implied thus causing gender stereotype.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Male and Female Stereotypes created by Media

Opinion: To me, media does create gender stereotype by portraying female as weak, caring and nurturing but men as sporty rough and aggressive. However, we must understand the reasons behind those. For me, it is just purely for the audiences to feel the emotions of the actors. Doesn't mean all women are caring and all men are aggressive. However, we might sometime get the wrong understanding from the media, as they are most likely to create gender stereotyping while our brain are perceiving and generalizing the things that we see without our consciousness. So media is quite dangerous if our thinking is captured as it can easily influence our thinking, thus making us bias or creating stereotype.  
Women are caring and nurturing. Men are aggressive. Boys are good at math. The list of stereotypes goes on but a new study in American Psychologist suggests that these differences are illusions created by the media.
Author of the study, Janet S. Hyde, from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, says traditional portrayals of men and women as psychologically different are vastly overestimated and the two sexes are more similar in personality, communication, cognitive ability and leadership than realized.
She bases her assertions on a meta-analysis of various gender studies conducted over the last twenty years. Psychological differences based on gender were examined in studies that looked at a number of psychological traits and abilities to determine how much gender influenced an outcome. The traits and variables examined were cognitive abilities, verbal and nonverbal communication, social or psychological traits, psychological well-being, motor behaviors and moral reasoning.
She found that gender differences accounted for either zero or a very small effect for most of the psychological variables examined. Only motor skills (such as throwing), some aspects of sexuality and increased aggression showed marked differences.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Women are used more in advertisement than men

in my opinion, women are used more frequently then men in advertisement is a fact. This is usually used because of psychological reasons as usually men has stronger feelings than women. Research shows that when women are used in advertisement, sales went up drastically as males usually act as an income adder and buy the products due to emotion feelings . This is not gender stereotypes but typically it is just for psychological reasons to boost up the sales of a product. There are also men in advertisement, it just depends on the target market of the product. Marketer's intention is to make the opposite gender's emotion move, and thus purchase the product even though the product is rarely used or of bad quality. "Sex Sells".
We must note that not all 'gossips' are part of stereotypes. This article is one example of a generalization.

Nowadays, advertising is omnipresent in our lives, and has a really strong influence in our decisions as consumers. The aim is no longer to inform us of a new product and its use, it is more to create a wish to possess a product. Moreover, advertising has become a centre of attraction. Television shows are devoted to it, a museum was created in its honour and we talk about it, as we would do with a movie. It can make us laugh; it can shock us, which shows that advertising has a link with the customs and the codes, which govern our society. For instance the Museum of advertising in Paris presents at the moment a retrospective about Chinese advertising from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day to show the impact of governments on advertising, the link between advertising and communist society and reflects the Chinese history.
Therefore we are led to think that advertising reflects our way of life and of thinking. The way to represent women is a good example of it. The advertising of the twentieth century shows indeed the evolution of the women’s status.
Historians sometimes call the twentieth century the "century of the woman" or the century of the "sexual revolution" (R. Aaron and JF Sirinelli) because the situation of women and, consequently, the relations between women and men have considerably changed in western societies, in particular in France. Even if the movement toward equality has still not been achieved, women have obtained a real political, economic and domestic power of decision.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Women worser at parking than Man?

Many people have questioned the fact whether women are worser at parking than man? In the study conducted by Dr Claudia Wolf from Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany confirmed that women generally takes more time to park and is lacking of accuracy. They were all tested with parallel parking, rear parking, front head parking and their maneuvers were generally lacking than compared the man technique. Research suggest that female drivers generally takes 20 seconds more time when parking.


I think that this article and research conducted by Dr Claudia is partially right however, we have to take into account the sample size for this research. Dr Claudia only used 60 people to do this research, and the conclusion cannot be generalized. As we sometimes might see several female drivers drive way better than man. 
For Example: Janet Guthrie, Race Car driver (first woman to compete in the Indianapolis 500 and Daytona 500)

Thus, this conclusion cannot be generalized to all Women. This research conducted is an example of Gender Stereotype in the 21st Century.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Women Nag more than Men?

Women are known to Nag and Brag more than man, but this fact has changed since the science revolution in the 21st century. The myth that Women always nags more than man is widely accepted in the public, however, it is a false generalization of gender stereotyping. With the help of scientific research and random sampling, it was found that both man and women talked roughly 16,000 words per day.


Own opinion:
We man do generally say that women is more annoying than us, but in fact we are just simply looking in the perspective of the man and not the women's. We aren't able to fully understand what they think and what they feel, why they brag and why they nag. It's simply because we are not women. Why do we generalize women as more nagging than men? It's simply because men likes women who talks more often compared to women who talks less. Thus, without us noticing, we will frequently interact with the more talkative people. After some time, we simply generalize and say that all the women that we see simply nags more than man.

**It is logically right to some people that Women nag more than man but it cannot be generalize

An illustration: All birds can fly, an ostrich is a bird, therefore ostrich can fly---->it is logically right but not cannot be generalize.