Monday, October 24, 2011

Men eats more than women

Many tv shows and medias shows us that men would definitely eat more than women. Women are viewed to be more feminism and should ideally be more proper than men. However, this stereotype portrayed by the media affect the way we see things. The fact is that not all men eats more than women is overlooked in media. This is because men is more active, and needs more energy than compared to women. This fact is overlooked in medias such that they did not give a reason for the excuse. Thus, most men would eat more food than compared to women. However, there are few of those women who eats more than men does. Thus this generalization cannot be used.

Article :

Yorkie bars, Nestlé has always told us, are "not for girls". They are to be growled from their wrappers and chewed in mouth-sized chunks by manly men, men with stubble, men with muscles that bulge like bellies. Flakes, however, are for ladies. Sexy ones, in lipstick and baths, who crumble off a feminine bite, before letting their eyes fall closed in pleasure.
It's a complicated business, eating. And one made knottier by the idea that some foods are masculine (hamburgers, steak), while others (yoghurt, quiche) are strictly for girls. Were these ideas of gendered eating originally generated just for ad campaigns, or could the cliches point towards a deeper truth? Do men and women need different diets? How many of our views on what constitutes "women's food" come from how we're brought up, and how many are tied to something genetic? If men are from meat, are women from cupcake?

Source :

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