Monday, December 5, 2011

Women talk more in phones than men does

It is something one half of the population has long suspected - and the other half always vocally denied. Women really do talk more than men in phones.
Such example is shown through several kind of medias such as in the movie titled, "The devils wear Prada." This movie portrayed that the lead star(a girl) to be super busy and talkative, always in the phone. Thus, the movie then would impact the audience and this creates gender stereotypes. However, not all women likes to talk on the phone, businessman does too! Thus, this generalization could not be accepted purely. However, to some extent women does like to talk more with their girlfriends on the phone, but not all women likes this.


In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men in phones, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day - 13,000 more than the average man, roughly 5000 more in phone.Women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat - and actually get a buzz out of hearing their own voices, a new book suggests.
The book - written by a female psychiatrist - says that inherent differences between the male and female brain explain why women are naturally more talkative than men.
In The Female Mind, Dr Luan Brizendine says women devote more brain cells to talking than men.
And, if that wasn't enough, the simple act of talking triggers a flood of brain chemicals which give women a rush similar to that felt by heroin addicts when they get a high.
